B.P. de Silva at the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition (DJWE)

Doha: Celebrating 20 years of Fine Keepsakes
“The epitome of luxury and design, the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition celebrates its 20th edition in 2024, returning to the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre."
– Visit Qatar
For its 20th Anniversary, more jewellery connoisseurs and lovers of luxury and design including Irina Shayk and Thierry Henry are a part of the celebration.
B.P.'s Going Global
For us to be amongst some of the biggest names in the industry both humbles us, and makes us glow with pride, representing a brand that grew its roots from Singapore.
Our 152-year history has seen us serve clients across the globe, be it from visiting royalty and grand voyages in the 1800s and 1900s, to more current technological frameworks that allow us to bring our experience anywhere in the world.
Katerina Perez with our Drama Deco Emerald Ring.
If you're reading this from Doha, come say hi, we're located at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre (DECC), at the Amiri Gems Pavilion.
Our partnership with Amiri Gems has been a precious one - we've learnt, grown, and appreciated a lot, and will continue to.
We'll be here until 11th February 2024 and we look forward to seeing you here in beautiful Doha!
B.P. de Silva's Next Stop
If you're not in Qatar, and are reading this from anywhere else, stay tuned; you may just see us in your city!
In the meantime, our flagship boutique in 14C Dempsey in Singapore, awaits your exploration. Our doors open daily, however, kindly take note of our Lunar New Year Festive Hours below:
For those celebrating, here's wishing you an abundantly blessed Year of the Dragon! We'll be back February 12th, 11am - 7pm (just in time for those surprise Valentines Day gifting sprees).