"May your love for me be like the scent of the evening sea, drifting in through a quiet window so I do not have to run or chase or fall to feel you, all I have to do is breathe." – Sanober Khan

The lingering scent of an ocean breeze, the comforting fragrance of freshly laundered linen, the warm earthy smell of the forest after an afternoon storm— scents have a remarkable power to transport us back to cherished moments; often we find ourselves cocooned in glimpses of happy places where time stands still. 

Among the earliest fragrances intertwined with memories are those associated with our mothers, delicate blends woven with the earliest recollections, our childhood. This leads us to ponder: “What scents evoke memories of my mother?”

A delightful afternoon of scent exploration and candle making.

In line with our upcoming launch this Mother's Day, the B.P.’s team is reimagining an olfactory experience at 14C Dempsey on May 4th and 5th, 2024. Join us for a delightful afternoon of scent exploration and candle making with your mom, or any motherly figure who has made an impact in your life. 

Limited slots available.

Scent of a Mother, May 4th & 5th. RSVP below: